As of 4 days ago my 3 person household all have Covid-19 vaccination appointments. Technically none of us qualify (we're all currently 1C)...BUT the state of MI continues to tweak their qualifications in ways that push us further down the list. At one time our essential retail working son was categorized as 1B.
Initially, healthy 50 year olds were in the group 2/general population. In the past week the healthy 50 year olds have been moved ahead of us to start their shots on 3/22. Meanwhile high-risk cancer patients/survivors, those with high blood pressure, auto-immune disorders, asthmatics, disabled people, and organ transplant recipients <50 get shoved aside. Again.
My "essential worker" son who was bordering on sainthood a year ago not only does not qualify yet for a vaccine, but is surrounded by selfish and ignorant customers who remove their masks once within the store where he works, or they wear it incorrectly. So he wears 2 masks. And he still does not earn a livable wage, on top of it. He very briefly received a $2/hour bump in "combat" pay, but that expired after maybe a month. We've spent the last year living in fear that he will bring Covid home to us. We can stay home, for the most part, but he cannot.
A few days ago a younger friend with a transplanted kidney and lupus gave us a heads-up about a shot clinic happening this coming Saturday at a school in the next county. Apparently the event was set-up by their county health department for school staff...but scheduled appointments were so low that they opened it up to the public. My friend found out about the clinic from a co-worker (who I assume must live within the school district).
I immediately got the 3 of us scheduled and shared the scheduling link with my son's GF's parents, as they have older family members who have been struggling to find appointments AND they live in the county where the clinic is taking place. So our friends and 1 set of their parents now have appointments, too.
The incredible irony is that the school district offering the shot clinic is now closed to in-person classes for 2 weeks due to excessive Covid spread. Also, it's heavy Trump-supporter territory...but I'm sure those things aren't related. /sarcasm
So we're holding our breaths that we aren't turned-away at the door for not meeting the semi-arbitrary moving-target shot qualifications. Currently MI is jabbing anyone at high risk and >50. I'm 48 (cancer survivor, asthmatic, minus my upper right lung lobe), DH is 49 (high blood pressure). We're tired of seeing younger, low-risk people cutting the line while we anxiously twiddle our thumbs. I've been social distancing for >4 years, now. I'm so over it.